
Jeff Bridges is my favorite in "Fisher King"

(nuotrauka, man rodos, iš "Lebowskio")
Apie didžėjus, kurie gyvena savo pasaulyje ir nežino, kokį poveikį daro aplinkiniams. Kai Džekas Lukasas sužino, kad dėl jo kaltės įvyksta baisi žmogžudystė, jis atsiduria "bomžų" pasauly. Susidraugavęs su eks-profesoriumi Perriu, Džekas padaro viską, kad ištaisytų savo klaidą. Pasakų siužetas, puikus Džefas Bridžesas...

Seniai pasiilgtas filmas gelbsti nuo sausio pabaigos, jausmų sumaišties ir niekada neateisiančio pavasario ilgesio....


Diana Jean Krall (born November 16, 1964) is a Canadian jazz pianist and singer. She is known for her graceful contralto vocals.
She began learning the piano at the age of four. In high school, she started playing in a small jazz group. When she was 15 she started playing regularly in several Nanaimo restaurants.
At age seventeen she won a scholarship from the Vancouver International Jazz Festival to study at Berklee College of Music in Boston.
In Nanaimo her playing attracted the attention of famed bass player Ray Brown and drummer Jeff Hamilton. After hearing her play, Brown and Hamilton persuaded Krall to move to Los Angeles, and study with pianist Jimmy Rowles, with whom she began to sing. This also brought her into contact with influential teachers and producers. In 1990, Krall relocated to New York. Krall and British musician Elvis Costello were married on December 6, 2003 at Elton John's estate outside London. Their twin sons Dexter Henry Lorcan and Frank Harlan James, were born December 6, 2006 in New York City.
Peel me a grape, crush me some ice
Skin me a peach, save the fuzz for my pillow
Talk to me nice, talk to me nice
You've got to wine and dine me
Don't try to fool me, bejewel me
Either amuse me or lose me
I'm getting hungry, peel me a grape
Pop me a cork, french me a fry
Crack me a nut, bring a bowl full of bon-bons
Chill me some wine, keep standing by
Just entertain me, champagne me
Show me you love me, kid glove me
Best way to cheer me, cashmere me
I'm getting hungry, peel me a grape
Here's how to be an agreeable chap
Love me and leave me in luxury's lap
Hop when I holler, skip when I snap
When I say, "do it," jump to it
Send out for scotch, call me a cab
Cut me a rose, make my tea with the petals
Just hang around, pick up the tab
Never out think me, just mink me
Polar bear rug me, don't bug me
New Thunderbird me, you heard me
I'm getting hungry, peel me a grape
Labai norėčiau išversti tau šiuos žodžius, bet gal vėliau ..... :)))))



Kaip ten? Kai nuvažiuoja stogas, atsiveria žvaigždėtas dangus?


"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."- J.D.S.
Radau tokį keistą blogą:
O tame bloge štai kokį įrašą:
"December 30, 2008
a) go on a trip. b) talk to strangers. c) leave your job. d) confess your love. e) find a hobby. f) make music. g) make art. h) make friends. i) try harder. j) burn the bridges that need to be burnt. k) explore everything. l) own your life. m) make a tangible You Are Remarkable (book, ‘zine’, collection of sorts). n) never feel guilty. o) travel everywhere. p) never be frightened. q) make You Are Remarkable even better. r) give em hell. s) send anonymous mail. t) become a collector of something peculiar. u) stop caring so much. v) become a better cook. w) take action. x) make lists. y) grow your hair long. z) & most important: be happy.

Pasijutau geriau, dievaži.

Verčiu tiems, kam įdomu:
"Gruodžio 30, 2008
a) eiti pasivaikščioti/keliauti. b) kalbėtis su nepažįstamaisiais. c) išeiti iš darbo. d) prisipažinti meilėje. e) rasti hobį. f) kurti muziką. g) kurti meną. h) susidraugauti. i) labiau pasistengti. j) sudeginti tiltus, kurie turi būti sudeginti. k) viską tyrinėti. l) būti savo gyvenimo šeimininku. m) įkūnyti nuostatą TU ESI SVARBUS (knyga, žurnalas, kolekcija). n) niekad nesijausti kaltam. o) visur keliauti. p) niekad neišsigąsti. q) labiau pasistengti įgyvendinti tai, KAD TU ESI SVARBUS. r) pasiųsti juos velniop. s) nusiųsti anoniminį laišką. t) tapti ko nors ypatingo kolekcionieriumi. u) nustoti taip baisiai rūpintis. v) tapti geresniu virėju. w) imtis veiksmo. x) sudarinėti sąrašus. y) užsiauginti ilgus plaukus. z) & svarbiausia: būti laimingam."


Apie viską ir nieką

Tu man leidai o gal ir privertei likti aukštai
Kur nieko nieko panašaus į šį pasaulį
Kur nieko nieko kas primintų blogas mintis
(iš A.M.)

Edgaras Keisis (Cacey)

Know this: that whatever situation you find yourself in, it is what is necessary for your development. An entity must apply in its associations from day to day a word here and a word there, one today, another tomorrow, and the next day, with the understanding that from such activities in word and deed, self-development will come... When an entity has prepared itself through constant forward movement towards service, the necessary circumstances for change will come about so that he may see the next step, the next opportunity... Haste not and be not over-anxious; for is not the whole of the building of His making?”
"Žinok, kad kokia situacija tave beužkluptų, tai reikalinga tavo paties raidai. Žmogus turi kasdien žodis po žodžio, šiandien ar ryt, žingsnis po žingsnio mėginti interpretuoti tai, kas vyksta su juo, ir šių veiklų ar žodžių dėka ateis tobulėjimas... Kai žmogus yra pasiruošęs nuolatiniam vyksmui, atsiras aplinkybės pokyčiams, kad galima būtų įžvelgti kitą žingsnį, kitą galimybę... Neskubėk ir pernelyg nebijok, nes skubra ir baimė nėra Jo kūrinijos pamatas"(maždaug taip galima būtų versti).
Edgar Cayce was born near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on March 18, 1877 and had a normal childhood in most respects, one rich with the heritage of nineteenth-century farm life. The only boy in a family of five children, he grew up surrounded by grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins living nearby. Like many children, he had imaginary playmates, but they vanished as he grew older. He was raised at a time when much of the country was experiencing the excitement of religious revival meetings. This atmosphere may have in part accounted for his lifelong interest in the Bible, and even as a child his dream was to become a medical missionary. At that early age no one might have ever guessed the unusual manner in which his dream would become a reality.
At the age of six or seven, he told his parents that he could sometimes see visions, occasionally talking to relatives who had recently died. For the most part, his family attributed these experiences to an overactive imagination and paid little attention to them. He found comfort in reading the Bible and decided to read it through from cover to cover, once for every year of his life. Its stories and characters became familiar and very real to him. At the age of thirteen, he had a vision that would influence him for the rest of his life: a beautiful woman appeared to him and asked him what he most wanted in life. He told her that, more than anything, he wanted to help others - especially children when they were sick.
Shortly after the experience, Edgar displayed a talent that could no longer be explained by his family in terms of the boy's imagination: he could sleep on his school books and acquire a photographic memory of their entire contents! It was found that he could sleep on any book, paper or document, and upon awakening, be able to repeat back, word for word, any length of material - even if it contained words far beyond his limited education. To be sure the gift helped him in school, but it gradually faded.


Leonardo a la Freud

Indeed, the great Leonardo remained like a child for the whole of his life in more than one way; it is said that all great men are bound to retain some infantile part. Even as an adult he continued to play, and this was another reason why he often appeared uncanny and incomprehensible to his contemporaries (p. 88).
Iš tiesų, Leonardo išliko vaikas visą savo gyvenimą daugiau nei viena kuria prasme; sakoma, kad visiems didiesiems būdinga išsaugoti tam tikrą vaikiškumo dalelę. Net jau suaugęs jis ir toliau žaidė, o tai buvo dar viena priežastis, dėl kurios jis dažnai atrodė keistas ir nesuprantamas savo amžininkams.


nespalvotas Simono Gutauto pasaulis

Fotografijų paroda „Tai, kas padarė mane žmogumi" Lietuvos nacionalinės UNESCO komisijos galerijoje, Šv. Jono g. 11, Vilniuje, nuo š.m. sausio 27 d. 17.30 val.
(ir kunigaikščiui patiko ;)


Times Square in January

"Tarp kitų dalykų, gali sužinot, kad nesi pirmas žmogus, kurį sutrikdė, išgąsdino ir net susargdino žmonių elgesys. Nustebsi ir netgi nudžiugsi sužinojęs, kad tu tikrai šia prasme nesi vienintelis. Daugybė, daugybė žmonių tiek pat kenčia moraline ar dvasine prasme, kaip ir tu dabar. Laimei, daugelis jų atsimena savo bėdas. Tad pasimokysi iš jų - jei nori. Tiesiog vieną dieną, kaip kad ir tu kuo nors pasidalini, jie pasimoko iš tavęs. Tai gražus tarpusavio susitarimas. Ir tai nėra auklėjimas. Tai istorija. Tai poezija". J.D. Salinger , 24 skyrius, RPB, (versta mano)

“Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behaviour. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them—if you want to. Just as some day, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry.”

Apie Keith Haring

Atrodo, kad visi mano paskutinio meto tyrimų subjektai gimė Rydinge, Pensilvanijoje : )))))))))))
Deja, šiuom kartu nebuvau Haringo parodoje, bet teko anuo metu San Franciske susipažint. Tada padarė įspūdį tuo nediskriminavimo aspektu, kas 1998 -aisiais Lietuvai buvo nauja ir "neteisinga".

Beje, ir filmuką turiu, kada nors pasidalinsiu, kas norės.
Manau, vis dėlto tai reiškinys, kuris dar laukia savo eilės būti tiriamas.
"Keith Haring (May 4, 1958 – February 16, 1990) was an artist and social activist whose work responded to the New York City street culture of the 1980s.
Born in Reading, Pennsylvania, Haring grew up in Kutztown and was interested in art from an early age. From 1976 to 1978 he studied graphic design at The Ivy School of Professional Art, a commercial and fine art school in Pittsburgh. At age 19 Haring, who was openly gay, moved to New York City, where he was inspired by graffiti art, and studied at the School of Visual Arts.
In 1988, he was diagnosed with AIDS. He established the Keith Haring Foundation in 1989, its mandate being to provide funding and imagery to AIDS organizations and children’s programs, and to expand the audience for Haring’s work through exhibitions, publications and the licensing of his images. Haring enlisted his imagery during the last years of his life to speak about his own illness and generate activism and awareness about AIDS.
In June 1989, on the rear wall of the convent of the Church of Sant'Antonio in Pisa, he painted the last public work of his life, the mural "Tuttomondo". Haring died in 1990 of an HIV (AIDS)-related disease. As a celebration of his life, Madonna declared the first New York date of her Blonde Ambition Tour a benefit concert for Haring's memory, and donated all proceeds from her ticket sales to AIDS charities including AIDS Project Los Angeles and amfAR; the act was documented in her film Truth Or Dare.
By expressing concepts of birth, death, love, sex and war, Haring's imagery has become a universally recognized visual language of the 20th century."