

How insensitive

I must have seemed

When she told me that she loved me

How unmoved and cold

I must have seemed

When she told me so sincerely

Why she must have asked

Did I just turn and stare in icy silence

What was I to say

What can you say

When a love affair is over

Now she's gone away

And I'm alone

With a memory of her last look

Vague and drawn and sad

I see it still

All her heartbreak in that last look

How she must have asked

Could I just turn and stare in icy silence

What was I to do

What can one do

When a love affair is over

Antonio Carlos Jobim


Sacred to come into the life

"May all that is not sacred—all that is not holy, all that is not loving, all that is not respectful, all that is not cherishing—be cast out of this space. We ask that a great light pour forth upon it. We step into this space right now, and where we haven't really known who to be or how to be in relationships, we ask that we be guided and we be taught."

Marianne Williamson

Palaimintos dienos

Prisimenu Tichviną.
Tikriausiai, tai laimingiausios mano dienos.
Dabar ilgiuosi tos būsenos.
Mano animus buvo visada su manimi.
Aš buvau pasotinta, pamaloninta, išklausyta.

Dieve, kaip kartais gera prisiminti tavo dovanas.
Taip, mielas šventasis Pauliau, kantrybės.
Kodėl, kodėl esu tokia nekantri?