
Kena village, September 12, 2011

After having visited the place where I lived when I was five, the feeling returned to me that I was quite a "normal" kid, until something strange happened. I was happy in the kindergarten because I had a chance to play various roles in kids' shows. One of my best ones was the Fox.

I developped then some kind of "stage" disease: started willing to be an actress. I was successful back then.

Funny enough -- 45 years passed.

I look at everything here, and see no change.

I am the same.

Weird, I swear.

Trying to get into the blog :)

Long time, no see...


Valentino diena

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Blogas tapo mano niurzėjimų sugertukas.
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Trepu trepu praeiviai.
Boom boom automobiliai.
Man vis mažiau bereikia.
Geras filmas, knyga, kavos puodelis.
Vienatvė dviese.
Aš ir vėl perėjau pažemintųjų ir nuskriaustųjų pusėn.