
Richie Kotzen "Niujorko" klube

Gerai buvo, patiko net labai :) "Niujorko" klubas po Niujorko buvo visai tas, ko reikia.

Richie Kotzen (born February 3, 1970 in Reading, Pennsylvania) is an American guitarist, singer, and songwriter.
At a young age, Richie Kotzen was taken by music and first began playing piano at the age of five. At the age of seven he was inspired by New York City band KISS to learn the electric guitar. Relentlessly developing chops and his own unique voice on the guitar, he started his career in a band named Arthurs Museum. Kotzen was eventually discovered by Shrapnel Records' Mike Varney, and he recorded his first album by the age of 19. During that same year, he also graced the cover of several publications including Guitar World Magazine. He created the video Rock Chops for REH video in 1989, highlighting many of his formative techniques, including using wide-intervals and fluid sweeping.

Emily Dickinson's plate at Dinner Party


A solemn thing -- it was -- I said --
A woman -- white -- to be --
And wear -- if God should count me fit --
Her blameless mystery --And then -- the size of this "small" life --
The Sages -- call it small -- Swelled -- like Horizons -- in
my vest --And I sneered --- softly -- "small!"

Reminiscing Brooklyn Museum (skiriu Solveigai)

(Hypatia by Raphael)

The Dinner Party is an installation artwork by feminist artist Judy Chicago depicting place settings for 39 mythical and historical famous women. It was produced from 1974 to 1979 as a collaboration and was first exhibited in 1979. Since 2007 it has been on permanent exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA.

Judy Chicago, the instigator and co-ordinator of the project, stated that its purpose was to "end the ongoing cycle of omission in which women were written out of the historical record."
The table is triangular and measures forty-eight feet on each side. Each place setting features a placemat with the woman's name and artworks relating to her life, with a napkin, utensils, a glass or goblet, and a plate. Many of the plates feature a butterfly or flower-like sculpture (...). A collaborative effort of many female artists, The Dinner Party celebrates traditional female accomplishments such as textile arts (weaving, embroidery, sewing) and china painting, which have been framed as craft or domestic art, as opposed to the more culturally valued, male dominated fine arts. The white floor of triangular porcelain tiles is inscribed with the names of a further 999 notable women.
The Dinner Party was donated by the Elizabeth A. Sackler Foundation to the Brooklyn Museum, where it is now permanently housed within the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, which opened in March 2007.
"The Dinner Party elevates female achievement in Western history to a heroic scale traditionally reserved for men."

The 39 women with places at the table are:
Wing I: From Prehistory to the Roman Empire

1. Primordial Goddess, 2. Fertility goddess, 3. Ishtar, 4. Kali, 5. Snake Goddess, 6. Sophia, 7. Amazon, 8. Hatshepsut, 9. Judith, 10. Sappho, 11. Aspasia, 12. Boudica, 13. Hypatia.

Wing II: From the Beginnings of Christianity to the Reformation

14. Marcella, 15. Saint Bridget, 16. Theodora of Byzantium, 17. Hrosvitha, 18. Trotula of Salerno, 19. Eleanor of Aquitaine, 20. Hildegard of Bingen, 21. Petronilla de Meath, 22. Christine de Pisan, 23. Isabella d'Este, 24. Elizabeth I of England, 25. Artemisia Gentileschi, 26. Anna van Schurman.

Wing III: From the American to the Women’s Revolution

27. Anne Hutchinson, 28. Sacajawea, 29. Caroline Herschel, 30. Mary Wollstonecraft, 31. Sojourner Truth, 32. Susan B. Anthony, 33. Elizabeth Blackwell, 34. Emily Dickinson, 35. Ethel Smyth, 36. Margaret Sanger, 37. Natalie Barney, 38. Virginia Woolf, 39. Georgia O'Keeffe.

The names of 999 more women are represented on the floor tiles (the names are spelled here as they appear on the tiles).

The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, The Dinner Party (includes a searchable database of all 1039 women).


su Jonu Stewartu namo...

Labas labas labas. "Sekliai" gali atspėti, kodėl vėl atsirado lietuviški rašmenys mano bloge :))))))))
Tęsiu savo apolitišką, akultūrišką ir anovatorišką dienoraštį. Helsinkyje valgiau elnienos sriubos - kokia barbarė... Dabar raguota esu. Žiauriai skanu, pasijutau tikra kanibale, tegul ir su ragais.
Pakeliui skaičiau Joną Stewartą.

Žinia, reikia geros anglų kalbos ir gaudytis kontekste. Na, kiek jau ten sugebėjome, tiek...

Fainas bičas. Skaičiau jo gabalą kaip neva Larry Kingas kalbina Hitlerį.

Paskui, aišku, užmigau ir tada buvo jau Vilnius. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


helsinki rocks!

va taip atrodo Helsinkis mazdaug dabar (cia siaip apgavau, cia bernardinu pavesine, zasies) :)

noriu mieeeeeeeegooooooooooooooooo


Inauguracija. Visi pilni vilties.

Ziuriu transliacija is Washingtono per NBC. Ir namo.
Tiek trumpai.


Ir dar muzikos:

Everytime we say goodbye, I die a little,
Everytime we say goodbye, I wonder why a little,
Why the gods above me, who must be in the know.
Think so little of me, they allow you to go.
When you're near, there's such an air of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere, begin to sing about it,
There's no love song finer,
but how strange the change from major to
Everytime we say goodbye.

When you're near, there's such an air of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere, begin to sing about it,
There's no love song finer,
but how strange the change from major to
Everytime we say goodbye.

Farewell to NYU

Apsnigtas Washingtono skveras. Garibaldis su sniego kepure. Suniukai ryskiais paltukais, Universiteto kiemai ir skersgatviai. Lauko staliukai ir kedutes apsnigti kaip pasakoje. Knygyne tie patys atvirukai, plakatu gausybe, kalendoriukai, visokie mieli niekuciai - sentimentu lietus - kiek tame pasto skyriuje palikta laisku... O kiek gauta!!!! Pastas buvo sventa vieta.

Bendrabutis stukso kaip stuksojes. Biblioteka su videoteka irgi - sudilgsi sirdi, kiek ten filmu prisiziureta...

Broadway'juje tas pats Shakespeare knygynas, kur nusiperku Monty Pythono ir Woody Alleno DVD, ir truputi pralinksmeju.

Praeinu iki 8-osios gatves ir neriu i metro: sudiev.

Beje, siandien pietavome toje pacioje meksikieciu kavineje, kur laisteme mano magistra. Jei ne piña colada, buciau liejusi karcias asaras.

Na, o rytoj Obamos inauguracija, o tada... nezinau. Gal terminalas 8 ir Helsinkis?

Aciu visiems. As Jus myliu.

Nuotrauka is http://www.nyclondon.com/photography/Winter%20in%20New%20York/Washington%20Mews/


Boschas ir zemisku gerybiu sodas

Spektaklis puikus, labai gyvas ir skoningas. Labai gera muzika ir graziai padarytas "skraidymas" ant lynu. Gerai, kad paklausiau ir nuejau. Labai seniai norejau kazko panasaus, kad nebutu isteriskas neva "naujasis sokis", o kazkas tikrai isbaigta ir konceptualiai nepriekaistinga. Labai graziai perteiktas kuniskumas per epochas, zodziu, grazus darbas.
Nezinau, ar pavyks dar ka nors aplankyti, i paskutines dienas visko daug susigrudo, o rytoj Martino Liuterio Kingo diena, viskas uzdaryta. :(
Vakarieniavome Long Islande, japonu restorane "Inatome" www.inatome.com
Tuomi ir baigesi savaite.
Rytoj nauja.
Visi kviecia pasilikti :)