
How he won the Russian "Oscar"

Jethro Skinner:
"I've been an actor for 10 years, scraping by, earning £10,000 a year. I've specialised in oddballs and psychos: a rapist on Cold Feet, a pervert who drilled into his groin on Casualty. I went up for the part of a terrorist paedophile on The Bill, but I didn't get it. I have large eyes when I open them wide and hair that won't lie flat and have regularly felt consigned to the overcrowded room of the "quirkier" actor.
I've also busted my gut doing as many cheap and cheerful theatre projects as I could find, most of them for free, lots of them rubbish. It was on one of these that I worked with a chap called Oscar Sharp. Last year, Oscar rang me saying he'd got some work filming the casting sessions for some Russians in London and was allowed to nominate one chum to audition. The movie would be shooting in Moscow, they'd sacked their American star and, after a month, they were getting desperate. That was about all I knew about the project. And it involved a puppet called Diggy.
I was the very last person to be seen. I'd finished a day's gardening and was tired, grubby and grumpy. But I was the happy recipient of blank slate syndrome as two beautiful Russians, Oksana the director, and Alena the casting director, smilingly welcomed me in.
I love the Russians: they look hard for the soul and less for the cute little nose. "Ugly men is much problem in Russia," I later heard. When I was introduced to Diggy it became clear we looked remarkably similar ... the hair, the eyes, the hippy heritage (my self-sufficient parents named me after Jethro Tull).
I don't speak Russian. Nor am I a pro puppeteer. But I knew I stood a good chance. Although a little shaky, I've got capable hands. And after they saw me dance enthusiastically to a Russian Little Red Riding Hood cartoon, they were all laughing. The audition continued the next day in St James Park. Behind a bush, in sight of Buckingham Palace, I groped Alena - all for the purposes of art. Meanwhile, Oksana sat on the grass saying "goood, goood".
The following day I received a phone call offering me the lead in Plus One, a feelgood romance about a British puppeteer struggling with love and language in Russia. I must come immediately and I'll be paid a "goood" wage. I did, and I was.
A year later, I won best actor at the Kinotavr in Sochi, Russia's biggest festival, the equivalent of Cannes. As a local Glastofarian I know my festivals, and this was harder than any Pilton or Edinburgh. The Russians are the embodiment of rock 'n' roll: live fast, die young. Seatbelts aren't worn, pregnant mums smoke, rules are broken with pride. Instead of conversation they do speech, drink, speech, drink.
Amongst all these hard men I suspect it was my hippy softness that won them over. "Your power is in your vulnerability," I was told at the press conference.
Now I'm back in Stockwell, working in our garden and looking after our new baby. Soon I'll return to Russia, where I've two projects lined up. Will I get any more work in my homeland? Who knows? I told a Russian critic that Brits might not respect my triumph. "Fuck Eengland," he replied calmly. That was reassuring."


Pradedam viską iš naujo

Blogo herojė gimė 1962 metų sausio 15 d. Kalinine (dabar Tverė), prie Volgos krantų. Po to ji tuščiai leido visą savo gyvenimą besiblaškydama po pasaulio didmiesčius ir pagaliau sėkmingai nusėdo dugnan.
Dabar ji sau sėdi dugne ir leidžia burbulus. Kada išnirs, nesakė. Paskutinis žodis, kurį ištarė prieš panirdama, buvo "disertacija".

gal šv.Teresė paguos?

"Dievas nori, kad siela būtų vieniša, tyra ir trokštų tokios paguodos. Jei darome daug kliūčių, nesistengiame jų pašalinti, kaip Jis pas mus ateis ir kaip galime norėti, kad mums suteiktų didžių malonių?“

Dar prisimenu Avilą, beje. Tranzavome ten.


Borisas Vianas - "Dienų puta"

Gaunu Jūsų komentarus, ačiū visiems.
Šiandien tikrai ne ta nuotaika, kai galiu kam nors suteikti džiaugsmo, bet juk tai irgi žmogiška, ar ne?
Kaip moralinė satisfakcija tegul būna mano citata: iš "Foam of the Daze" (L'Ecume des jours) - translated by Brian Harper, Tam Tam Books.

The definition of Boris Vian: engineer, inventor, chronicler of jazz, trumpet player, poet and novelist, creator of spectacles, lyric writer and singer, and of course 'pataphysician.
"In Paris in the 1950s Boris Vian was everything - poet, fiction writer, singer, subversive, actor, musician, and jazz critic. He was my friend and I admired him passionately for his eclecticism, devastating irony, and taste for provocation". - Louis Malle
TamTam Books is very proud to announce the publication of Boris Vian's masterpiece L'Ecume des jours in Summer 2002. We are bringing out a new translation by Brian Harper with the full approval of the Vian estate. The English title is Foam of the Daze.
It is a novel like no other, a sexy, innocent, smart and sweet cartoon of a world which then begins, little by little, to bleed real blood until, in the end, the blood turns out to be our own. I read it nearly thirty years ago in its previous incarnation as Mood Indigo and I loved it then; it's still one of my favorite books in the whole world. - Jim Krusoe
Boris Vian, who himself had suffered in his childhood from a pulmonary disease wrote the history of Chloe, who dies because a water lily invades her lungs. And then there is Colin, her lover and Nicolas, the brilliant inventor of the " pianocktail ". Tender and delicate history of love. - Andréï Makine
Who wouldn't want to immerse themselves in THE greatest love story? With pages that drip with passion, cries, laughter, tears and so forth. Among the more sober, but magnificent just the same, I recommend L'Ecume des jours by Boris Vian. It begins like a fairy tale but don't panic, you will see that it won't take long to become something else indeed... First there is the young, rich and carefree Colin. He, above all, "longs to be in love". One immediately identifies with this fragile anti-hero yearning for love. The most important thing for him is his small circle of friends: Chick, Alise, Nicolas, Isis ...and Chloe. During a party of close friends, he falls madly in love with her. Everything is great. Colin and Chloe get married and the world belongs to them. But then this beautiful fury of life is broken clean. Chloe becomes sick with a poetic disease (even though Boris Vian doesn't want it). A water lily grows in the lungs of the beauty and pushes out all the oxygen. Colin becomes responsible and works but Chloe wilts away incurably. On their side, Chick and Alise had everything to be happy... if Chick didn't have the filthy mania of bankrupting himself by buying the works and clothes of a certain Jean Sol Partre, (a little dig from Vian to the famous existentialist of Saint-Germain-des-Prés). This "partrophagy" pushes Alise to kill Partre. Only Nicolas and Isis escape a tragic destiny and accompany their friends to the end.
The character's purity and carefree attitude... it's superb! - Catherine Combet (Terminale)
A kind of jazzy, cheerful, sexy, sci-fi mid-20th century Huysmans. Check it out. There is just no place like France. - Richard Hell


klaiki diena ir kaip ją ištverti?

Stogą nunešė pilnatis. Kaukti į mėnulį būtų pats tas.
Oi kaip teisingai tu sakei, mano broli - "viskas, ką čia veikiame - tai tik pagalba kitiems".
Carpe diem.
Dabar kaip per mišias turėčiau išvardyti, kam prašau užtarimo.
Bet, jei esam pažįstami, tai žinokit, kad tikrai esate tame sąraše.


Webgirl (Zemfira)

Девочка, живущая в сети,
Нашедшая любовь,
между строк,
Между небом и землей,
Пальцами пытаясь угадать,
надеясь угадать, до конца, до конца...

Девочка, живущая в сети,
Живущая за всех,
До конца, на последнем этаже.
Клавиши, хранящие тепло,
Таящие вопрос,

Может быть на том конце встретит
В чьем-нибудь чужом лице третьем,
Что-нибудь отдашь сердце,
Кто-нибудь отдаст сердце,
И знаешь ли бывает же чудо,
Знаешь ли встречают же люди,
Может быть и ты тоже,
может быть

Девочка, живущая в сети,
Живущая в сети...



The magic numerals 3, 7, 9, 18 and 27, so frequent in the Lithuanian folklore, may be related to the archaic lunar calendar. It is quite probable that the oldest numeration in the history of mankind was trecimal. Strokes or dots which make the ornaments of the Neolithic ceramic artifacts are often grouped in triades. Number three and its multiples are found in many Lithuanian folk songs and legends. And even ritual formulas acquire their magic power only when repeated thrice. A drink boiled from a mixture of herbs gathered on an early morning of the Midsummer Day (summer solstice) from 3 fields in bunches of 9 different herbs, has particular magic properties. Historical records give evidence that the week of ancient Balts was 9 days long. Thus, the siderical month must have been divided into three parts. It is quite probable that a similar week is represented by a deer with nine horns, a popular character of the Lithuanian Advent songs. Trecimal numbers and crescent-shaped pendants have been found on a bronze necklace excavated in a 2000 years-old Baltic grave (see pic. - a bronze necklace used by a Baltic woman 2000 years ago. )

The oldest Baltic cosmological schemes, calendars, found on the burial urns dated 600-200 B.C., are in custody of the Gdansk archaeological museum in Poland. The splendid 12-month calendars engraved on pottery have been found near the borders of the Baltic area, in the present territory of the Ukraine which date back to the beginning A.D. In the 14th century the Grand Duchy of Lithuania used a solar-lunar calendar. The structure of this calendar was understood with the help of the so-called Gediminas Sceptre discovered in 1680. The sceptre indicates that the year started in April and normally had 12 months varying from 29 to 31 days. Every month started with the new moon. The months have unique Lithuanian names, expressed in symbols, which reflect natural phenomena and agricultural activities.
- to be continued -