Continuing my story, I'd say that our gang is pretty nice, and we are having a nice time. Today it is exceptionally sunny, and ironically we spent all long afternoon in the Hermitage. The funny thing is that I met some of our people in the Henri Matisse hall, and immediately ascribed them to some of "my" special group :) In Russian there is a so-called test, namely - "proverka na vshivost". So, now I know "my" people :)
I really enjoy my days here, but tomorrow we're leaving for Tikhvin, and only God knows what it will turn into. Today I heard a very funny interpretation of the Russian saying - v konce koncov. It sounded " v konce konca", pronounced with a German accent. Ha - bloody - ha.
Anyway, v konce konca...
Lots of love to all who is reading this.
P.S. When you're passing this place on the photo by, the eyes of Christ constantly follow you, as if they were alive.
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