
Apie Keith Haring

Atrodo, kad visi mano paskutinio meto tyrimų subjektai gimė Rydinge, Pensilvanijoje : )))))))))))
Deja, šiuom kartu nebuvau Haringo parodoje, bet teko anuo metu San Franciske susipažint. Tada padarė įspūdį tuo nediskriminavimo aspektu, kas 1998 -aisiais Lietuvai buvo nauja ir "neteisinga".

Beje, ir filmuką turiu, kada nors pasidalinsiu, kas norės.
Manau, vis dėlto tai reiškinys, kuris dar laukia savo eilės būti tiriamas.
"Keith Haring (May 4, 1958 – February 16, 1990) was an artist and social activist whose work responded to the New York City street culture of the 1980s.
Born in Reading, Pennsylvania, Haring grew up in Kutztown and was interested in art from an early age. From 1976 to 1978 he studied graphic design at The Ivy School of Professional Art, a commercial and fine art school in Pittsburgh. At age 19 Haring, who was openly gay, moved to New York City, where he was inspired by graffiti art, and studied at the School of Visual Arts.
In 1988, he was diagnosed with AIDS. He established the Keith Haring Foundation in 1989, its mandate being to provide funding and imagery to AIDS organizations and children’s programs, and to expand the audience for Haring’s work through exhibitions, publications and the licensing of his images. Haring enlisted his imagery during the last years of his life to speak about his own illness and generate activism and awareness about AIDS.
In June 1989, on the rear wall of the convent of the Church of Sant'Antonio in Pisa, he painted the last public work of his life, the mural "Tuttomondo". Haring died in 1990 of an HIV (AIDS)-related disease. As a celebration of his life, Madonna declared the first New York date of her Blonde Ambition Tour a benefit concert for Haring's memory, and donated all proceeds from her ticket sales to AIDS charities including AIDS Project Los Angeles and amfAR; the act was documented in her film Truth Or Dare.
By expressing concepts of birth, death, love, sex and war, Haring's imagery has become a universally recognized visual language of the 20th century."

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